Algeria Algeria

Algeria drops six ranks in the current CCPI, placing it at 54th and among the very low-performing countries.

Algeria earns a medium rating in Energy Use, low in GHG Emissions and Climate Policy, and very low in Renewable Energy.

No updated NDC

In 2015, the country announced its first nationally determined contribution (NDC). This includes a target of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 7–22% by 2030 (vs. a ‘business-as-usual’ scenario, compared with 2012). It also plans to use national resources to achieve 7% of the GHG reduction, while seeking international support for the rest. The CCPI country experts request that developed countries obtain sufficient financial, technical, and technological support to reduce emissions. The NDC also aims to reduce the gas flaring volume to less than 1% by 2030 and reach 27% of electricity generated from renewable sources by 2030.

Although the experts value having a regulatory framework, they sharply criticise Algeria for not updating its NDC or starting other progressive initiatives. They also observe a huge gap between the 2030 targets and the speed at which they’re being achieved. This year, Algeria dropped 13 places in the GHG Emissions category because of its lack of efforts to achieve its 2030 target and commit to the GHG per capita benchmark.

Fossil fuel supply is growing

In 2013, Algeria published its updated National Climate Plan 2020–2030 (NCP), covering 155 projects, including 76 of which are for reducing GHG emissions, and 63 for climate change adaptation.

The experts maintain that implementation of the NCP is lacking, besides the country’s ambitions noted in its NDC. Still, the fossil fuel supply is growing while the renewable energy supply is virtually stagnant. Solar energy production is even declining. Beyond that, Algeria’s share of renewables in its primary energy consumption is only 0.1%. The country resultantly places last in the Renewable Energy category.

The CCPI experts demand an overall stronger policy framework. They expect Algeria to update its NDC and prioritise accumulating sufficient financial and human resources to initiate a green transition.

Key Outcomes

  • Algeria drops six ranks in the current CCPI, placing it at 54th and among the very low-performing countries
  • There is a huge gap between the 2030 targets and the speed at which they’re being achieved
  • Key demands: update its NDC and prioritise accumulating sufficient financial and human resources to initiate a green transition

CCPI experts

Key Indicators

CCPI 2024: Target comparison